Avoid These Common Pitfalls of Cloud Transition

June 15 2020

So, you’re scared of the big, bad cloud. It feels like too much work, too unsafe, too unfamiliar—or maybe a combination of all three.

Even as contemporaries find success—more flexibility, more time, and more money saved—in the cloud and urge you to do the same, you push it off. It’s not worth the hassle.

For government agencies, this paradox is more prevalent than ever. The government sector often lags behind the commercial sector, and rightfully so. You can’t exactly “take a chance” on the newest tech when the wellbeing of American citizens is at stake.

But that also doesn’t mean government agencies are tied down to their legacy systems, either. Across the government tech space, agencies are upgrading to the cloud—especially as the physical conditions of the world requires many to work from home.

At Geocent, we’ve seen this scenario happen up-close. Here are some common pitfalls you can avoid during your transition to the cloud.

Common pitfalls to avoid when transitioning to the cloud:

Don't use existing staff

If your existing staff doesn’t have experience with cloud tech, entrusting them with helping you make the transition isn’t the right call. Lost time, extensive training, and faulty setup are all risks for you.

There’s also a culture change issue we often see, as your processes and systems change. That can lead to more resistance or even sink the project completely.

The solution? Find a tech partner that can help guide your staff along the way. We tell customers we aren’t replacing their staff with ours; We’re merely helping with the transition.

Don't get caught up in tedious maintenance tasks

Harness the full power of cloud tech and DevSecOps processes. Don’t waste your agency’s time and money by tasking staff with menial duties that can be accomplished by simple automation.

Automation is a hallmark of the DevSecOps approach to cloud transition. Why? Because with proper, quality automation in your system, you won’t have to worry about your processes as much anymore. Any mistake is automatically caught and fixed. You can now have your staff focus their time on more important big-picture items rather than routine maintenance.

Don't be intimidated

Embrace the change on which you are about to embark. You might encounter some roadblocks along the way, but know that end benefit will be worth it all.

With your new cloud capabilities, your software will be secure, your team will be agile, and your bottom line will be appreciative.
