Sev1Tech Blog

Welcome to the New Geocent.

Written by Geocent | Apr 8, 2021 8:28:02 PM

Today, we launch a new website. So allow us to reintroduce ourselves.  

We’re Geocent. We started as a small company based in New Orleans determined to burrow our way into the federal IT and aerospace market. A decade later, we’ve done just that and more. We’re helping government agencies modernize their tech and helping NASA get to Mars. Not bad, right?  

We still embrace that same spirit we had at our inception. But we’re building on that, maturing into a different size and space than before. We need to talk about ourselves differently — how we look, how we move, how we operate overall.  

So who are we now? We’re trusted government partners. Enablers who help agencies achieve their missions to accomplish our shared goal: helping the American people, whether that’s enhancing the immigration process, enforcing our defenses, or exploring the depths of space. We help solve the problems no one wants to fix. We embody what we call Mission Agility: not just delivering a single solution to your agency but changing with you as directives and objectives shift at a moment’s notice. We’re with you every step of the way.  

We’re also a company where employees thrive. Our first slogan — Employee Centric, Customer Focused — is still a part of our DNA and we’re pushing further every day. We’re striving to create an environment and culture that nurtures our employees’ lives. We have constructed internal systems for learning and growth while also emphasizing work-life balance. We see it pretty simply: Happy employees make for better work.  

This new look is a long time coming. It’s a culmination of years of hard work and evolution internally. We hope it fits who we are today and in the future.  

 So take a spin around. See how we make you our mission.